Advanced Topics

This section contains the most advanced topics about Babylon.js. Though the topics in this section do require a strong working knowledge of Babylon.js, don't let them scare you, like the previous sections, we'll go through them step by step and you'll come out the other end an expert.

Coming next

The .babylon File Format
Dive deep into the inner workings of the .babylon file format.
The .babylon File Format
Introduction to Shaders
Dive deep into the inner workings of shaders in Babylon.js.
Introduction to Shaders
Creating The Mini-fied Version of Babylon.js
Learn how to create the mini-fied version of Babylon.js.
Creating The Mini-fied Version of Babylon.js
Multi-Platform Compressed Textures
Learn all about multi-platform compressed textures in Babylon.js.
Multi-Platform Compressed Textures
WebGL2 Support
Dive into understanding the full scope of support for WebGL2 in Babylon.js.
WebGL2 Support
WebGPU Support
Dive into understanding the full scope of support for WebGPU in Babylon.js.
WebGPU Support
Running Babylon.js On A Server
Learn how to run Babylon.js on a server.
Running Babylon.js On A Server