  • Public
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  • All

Namespace BABYLON






Type aliases



Type aliases


BabylonFileParser: (parsedData: any, scene: Scene, container: AssetContainer, rootUrl: string) => void

Defines how the parser contract is defined. These parsers are used to parse a list of specific assets (like particle systems, etc..)

Type declaration


CameraStageAction: (camera: Camera) => void

Strong typing of a Camera related stage step action

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      Returns void


CameraStageFrameBufferAction: (camera: Camera) => boolean

Strong typing of a Camera Frame buffer related stage step action

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      Returns boolean


DataArray: number[] | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView

Alias for types that can be used by a Buffer or VertexBuffer.


DeepImmutable<T>: T extends Primitive ? T : T extends Array<infer U> ? DeepImmutableArray<U> : DeepImmutableObject<T>

Type modifier to make all the properties of an object Readonly recursively

Type parameters

  • T


DeepImmutableObject<T>: {}

Type modifier to make object properties readonly.

Type parameters

  • T

Type declaration


DeviceInput<T>: T extends Keyboard | Generic ? number : T extends Mouse | Touch ? PointerInput : T extends DualShock ? DualShockInput : T extends Xbox ? XboxInput : T extends Switch ? SwitchInput : never

Type to handle enforcement of inputs

Type parameters


EvaluateSubMeshStageAction: (mesh: AbstractMesh, subMesh: SubMesh) => void

Strong typing of a Evaluate Sub Mesh related stage step action

Type declaration


FloatArray: number[] | Float32Array

Alias type for number array or Float32Array


IFresnelParametersCreationOptions: { bias?: number; isEnabled?: boolean; leftColor?: Color3; power?: number; rightColor?: Color3 }

Options to be used when creating a FresnelParameters.

Type declaration

  • Optional bias?: number

    Define bias applied to computed fresnel term

  • Optional isEnabled?: boolean

    Define if the fresnel effect is enable or not.

  • Optional leftColor?: Color3

    Define the color used on edges (grazing angle)

  • Optional power?: number

    Defined the power exponent applied to fresnel term

  • Optional rightColor?: Color3

    Define the color used on center


IFresnelParametersSerialized: { bias: number; isEnabled: boolean; leftColor: number[]; power?: number; rightColor: number[] }

Serialized format for FresnelParameters.

Type declaration

  • bias: number

    Define bias applied to computed fresnel term

  • isEnabled: boolean

    Define if the fresnel effect is enable or not.

  • leftColor: number[]

    Define the color used on edges (grazing angle) [as an array]

  • Optional power?: number

    Defined the power exponent applied to fresnel term

  • rightColor: number[]

    Define the color used on center [as an array]


Immutable<T>: T extends Primitive ? T : T extends Array<infer U> ? ReadonlyArray<U> : DeepImmutable<T>

Type modifier to make all the properties of an object Readonly

Type parameters

  • T


IndicesArray: number[] | Int32Array | Uint32Array | Uint16Array

Alias type for number array or Float32Array or Int32Array or Uint32Array or Uint16Array


IndividualBabylonFileParser: (parsedData: any, scene: Scene, rootUrl: string) => any

Defines how the individual parser contract is defined. These parser can parse an individual asset

Type declaration

    • (parsedData: any, scene: Scene, rootUrl: string): any
    • Parameters

      • parsedData: any
      • scene: Scene
      • rootUrl: string

      Returns any


MeshLoadOptions: { ComputeNormals: boolean; ImportVertexColors: boolean; InvertTextureY: boolean; InvertY: boolean; MaterialLoadingFailsSilently: boolean; OptimizeNormals: boolean; OptimizeWithUV: boolean; SkipMaterials: boolean; UVScaling: Vector2 }

Options for loading OBJ/MTL files

Type declaration

  • ComputeNormals: boolean

    Compute the normals for the model, even if normals are present in the file.

  • ImportVertexColors: boolean

    Include in meshes the vertex colors available in some OBJ files. This is not part of OBJ standard.

  • InvertTextureY: boolean

    Invert Y-Axis of referenced textures on load

  • InvertY: boolean

    Invert model on y-axis (does a model scaling inversion)

  • MaterialLoadingFailsSilently: boolean

    When a material fails to load OBJ loader will silently fail and onSuccess() callback will be triggered.

  • OptimizeNormals: boolean

    Optimize the normals for the model. Lighting can be uneven if you use OptimizeWithUV = true because new vertices can be created for the same location if they pertain to different faces. Using OptimizehNormals = true will help smoothing the lighting by averaging the normals of those vertices.

  • OptimizeWithUV: boolean

    Defines if UVs are optimized by default during load.

  • SkipMaterials: boolean

    Skip loading the materials even if defined in the OBJ file (materials are ignored).

  • UVScaling: Vector2

    Defines custom scaling of UV coordinates of loaded meshes.


MeshStageAction: (mesh: AbstractMesh, hardwareInstancedRendering: boolean) => boolean

Strong typing of a Mesh related stage step action

Type declaration

    • (mesh: AbstractMesh, hardwareInstancedRendering: boolean): boolean
    • Parameters

      Returns boolean


MotionControllerComponentStateType: "default" | "touched" | "pressed"

The state of a controller component


MotionControllerComponentType: "trigger" | "squeeze" | "touchpad" | "thumbstick" | "button"

The type of components available in motion controllers. This is not the name of the component.


MotionControllerConstructor: (xrInput: XRInputSource, scene: Scene) => WebXRAbstractMotionController

A construction function type to create a new controller based on an xrInput object

Type declaration


MotionControllerHandedness: "none" | "left" | "right"

Handedness type in xrInput profiles. These can be used to define layouts in the Layout Map.


NodeConstructor: (name: string, scene: Scene, options?: any) => () => Node

Defines how a node can be built from a string name.

Type declaration

    • (name: string, scene: Scene, options?: any): () => Node
    • Parameters

      • name: string
      • scene: Scene
      • Optional options: any

      Returns () => Node


Nullable<T>: T | null

Alias type for value that can be null

Type parameters

  • T


PointerMoveStageAction: (unTranslatedPointerX: number, unTranslatedPointerY: number, pickResult: Nullable<PickingInfo>, isMeshPicked: boolean, element: HTMLElement) => Nullable<PickingInfo>

Strong typing of a pointer move action.

Type declaration


PointerUpDownStageAction: (unTranslatedPointerX: number, unTranslatedPointerY: number, pickResult: Nullable<PickingInfo>, evt: IPointerEvent) => Nullable<PickingInfo>

Strong typing of a pointer up/down action.

Type declaration


PostProcessOptions: { height: number; width: number }

Size options for a post process

Type declaration

  • height: number
  • width: number


PreActiveMeshStageAction: (mesh: AbstractMesh) => void

Strong typing of a pre active Mesh related stage step action

Type declaration


Primitive: undefined | null | boolean | string | number | Function

Alias type for primitive types



RenderTargetStageAction: (renderTarget: RenderTargetTexture, faceIndex?: number, layer?: number) => void

Strong typing of a Render Target related stage step action

Type declaration


RenderTargetTextureSize: number | { height: number; layers?: number; width: number }

Type used to define a render target texture size (either with a number or with a rect width and height)


RenderTargetsStageAction: (renderTargets: SmartArrayNoDuplicate<RenderTargetTexture>) => void

Strong typing of a render target action.

Type declaration


RenderingGroupStageAction: (renderingGroupId: number) => void

Strong typing of a RenderingGroup related stage step action

Type declaration

    • (renderingGroupId: number): void
    • Parameters

      • renderingGroupId: number

      Returns void


RenderingMeshStageAction: (mesh: Mesh, subMesh: SubMesh, batch: _InstancesBatch, effect: Nullable<Effect>) => void

Strong typing of a Mesh Render related stage step action

Type declaration


SceneLoaderSuccessCallback: (meshes: AbstractMesh[], particleSystems: IParticleSystem[], skeletons: Skeleton[], animationGroups: AnimationGroup[], transformNodes: TransformNode[], geometries: Geometry[], lights: Light[]) => void

Type used for the success callback of ImportMesh

Type declaration


SimpleStageAction: () => void

Strong typing of a simple stage step action

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void


TrianglePickingPredicate: (p0: Vector3, p1: Vector3, p2: Vector3, ray: Ray) => boolean

Type used to define predicate used to select faces when a mesh intersection is detected

Type declaration


WebXRFeatureConstructor: (xrSessionManager: WebXRSessionManager, options?: any) => () => IWebXRFeature

Defining the constructor of a feature. Used to register the modules.

Type declaration


double: number

Alias type for number that are doubles.



float: number

Alias type for number that are floats



int: number

Alias type for number that are integer



Let Epsilon

Epsilon: number

Constant used to define the minimal number value in Babylon.js


Const ToGammaSpace

ToGammaSpace: number

Constant used to convert a value to gamma space


Const ToLinearSpace

ToLinearSpace: 2.2 = 2.2

Constant used to convert a value to linear space




  • className(name: string, module?: string): (target: Object) => void
  • Use this className as a decorator on a given class definition to add it a name and optionally its module. You can then use the Tools.getClassName(obj) on an instance to retrieve its class name. This method is the only way to get it done in all cases, even if the .js file declaring the class is minified


    • name: string

      The name of the class, case should be preserved

    • Optional module: string

      The name of the Module hosting the class, optional, but strongly recommended to specify if possible. Case should be preserved.

    Returns (target: Object) => void

      • (target: Object): void
      • Parameters

        • target: Object

        Returns void


  • Decorator that flags a property in a node material block as being editable


    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string

        Returns void


  • expandToProperty(callback: string, targetKey?: Nullable<string>): (target: any, propertyKey: string) => void
  • Parameters

    • callback: string
    • Optional targetKey: Nullable<string>

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string

        Returns void


  • Extracts minimum and maximum values from a list of positions


    • positions: FloatArray

      defines the positions to use

    • start: number

      defines the start index in the positions array

    • count: number

      defines the number of positions to handle

    • Optional bias: Nullable<Vector2>

      defines bias value to add to the result

    • Optional stride: number

      defines the stride size to use (distance between two positions in the positions array)

    Returns { maximum: Vector3; minimum: Vector3 }

    minimum and maximum values


  • Extracts minimum and maximum values from a list of indexed positions


    • positions: FloatArray

      defines the positions to use

    • indices: IndicesArray

      defines the indices to the positions

    • indexStart: number

      defines the start index

    • indexCount: number

      defines the end index

    • Optional bias: Nullable<Vector2>

      defines bias value to add to the result

    Returns { maximum: Vector3; minimum: Vector3 }

    minimum and maximum values


  • serialize(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsCameraReference(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Decorator used to define property that can be serialized as reference to a camera


    • Optional sourceName: string

      defines the name of the property to decorate

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsColor3(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsColor4(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsColorCurves(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsFresnelParameters(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsImageProcessingConfiguration(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsMatrix(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsMeshReference(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsQuaternion(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsTexture(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsVector2(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • serializeAsVector3(sourceName?: string): (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void
  • Parameters

    • Optional sourceName: string

    Returns (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void

      • (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol): void
      • Parameters

        • target: any
        • propertyKey: string | symbol

        Returns void


  • A simple version of the timer. Will take options and start the timer immediately after calling it


    • options: ITimerOptions<any>

      options with which to initialize this timer

    Returns Nullable<Observer<any>>


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method