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Class PickingInfo

Information about the result of picking within a scene




  • PickingInfo



buSearch playground for bu

bu: number

(See getTextureCoordinates) The barycentric U coordinate that is used when calculating the texture coordinates of the collision.

bvSearch playground for bv

bv: number

(See getTextureCoordinates) The barycentric V coordinate that is used when calculating the texture coordinates of the collision.

distanceSearch playground for distance

distance: number

Distance away where the pick collided

faceIdSearch playground for faceId

faceId: number

The index of the face on the mesh that was picked, or the index of the Line if the picked Mesh is a LinesMesh

hitSearch playground for hit

hit: boolean

If the pick collided with an object

originMeshSearch playground for originMesh

originMesh: Nullable<AbstractMesh>

If a mesh was used to do the picking (eg. 6dof controller) this will be populated.

pickedMeshSearch playground for pickedMesh

pickedMesh: Nullable<AbstractMesh>

The mesh corresponding the the pick collision

pickedPointSearch playground for pickedPoint

pickedPoint: Nullable<Vector3>

The location of pick collision

pickedSpriteSearch playground for pickedSprite

pickedSprite: Nullable<Sprite>

If a sprite was picked, this will be the sprite the pick collided with

raySearch playground for ray

The ray that was used to perform the picking.

subMeshFaceIdSearch playground for subMeshFaceId

subMeshFaceId: number

The index of the face on the subMesh that was picked, or the index of the Line if the picked Mesh is a LinesMesh

subMeshIdSearch playground for subMeshId

subMeshId: number

Id of the the submesh that was picked

thinInstanceIndexSearch playground for thinInstanceIndex

thinInstanceIndex: number

If we are picking a mesh with thin instance, this will give you the picked thin instance


getNormalSearch playground for getNormal

  • getNormal(useWorldCoordinates?: boolean, useVerticesNormals?: boolean): Nullable<Vector3>
  • Gets the normal corresponding to the face the pick collided with


    • Optional useWorldCoordinates: boolean

      If the resulting normal should be relative to the world (default: false)

    • Optional useVerticesNormals: boolean

      If the vertices normals should be used to calculate the normal instead of the normal map

    Returns Nullable<Vector3>

    The normal corresponding to the face the pick collided with

getTextureCoordinatesSearch playground for getTextureCoordinates

  • Gets the texture coordinates of where the pick occurred

    Returns Nullable<Vector2>

    the vector containing the coordinates of the texture


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method