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Class CustomParticleEmitter

Particle emitter emitting particles from a custom list of positions.


  • CustomParticleEmitter





  • Creates a new instance CustomParticleEmitter

    Returns CustomParticleEmitter


particleDestinationGeneratorSearch playground for particleDestinationGenerator

particleDestinationGenerator: (index: number, particle: Nullable<Particle>, outDestination: Vector3) => void

Gets or sets the destination generator that will create the final destination of each particle.

  • Index will be provided when used with GPU particle. Particle will be provided when used with CPU particles

Type declaration

particlePositionGeneratorSearch playground for particlePositionGenerator

particlePositionGenerator: (index: number, particle: Nullable<Particle>, outPosition: Vector3) => void

Gets or sets the position generator that will create the initial position of each particle. Index will be provided when used with GPU particle. Particle will be provided when used with CPU particles

Type declaration


applyToShaderSearch playground for applyToShader

  • applyToShader(effect: Effect): void
  • Called by the GPUParticleSystem to setup the update shader


    • effect: Effect

      defines the update shader

    Returns void

cloneSearch playground for clone

getClassNameSearch playground for getClassName

  • getClassName(): string
  • Returns the string "PointParticleEmitter"

    Returns string

    a string containing the class name

getEffectDefinesSearch playground for getEffectDefines

  • getEffectDefines(): string
  • Returns a string to use to update the GPU particles update shader

    Returns string

    a string containing the defines string

parseSearch playground for parse

  • parse(serializationObject: any): void
  • Parse properties from a JSON object


    • serializationObject: any

      defines the JSON object

    Returns void

serializeSearch playground for serialize

  • serialize(): any
  • Serializes the particle system to a JSON object.

    Returns any

    the JSON object

startDirectionFunctionSearch playground for startDirectionFunction

  • startDirectionFunction(worldMatrix: Matrix, directionToUpdate: Vector3, particle: Particle, isLocal: boolean): void
  • Called by the particle System when the direction is computed for the created particle.


    • worldMatrix: Matrix

      is the world matrix of the particle system

    • directionToUpdate: Vector3

      is the direction vector to update with the result

    • particle: Particle

      is the particle we are computed the direction for

    • isLocal: boolean

      defines if the direction should be set in local space

    Returns void

startPositionFunctionSearch playground for startPositionFunction

  • startPositionFunction(worldMatrix: Matrix, positionToUpdate: Vector3, particle: Particle, isLocal: boolean): void
  • Called by the particle System when the position is computed for the created particle.


    • worldMatrix: Matrix

      is the world matrix of the particle system

    • positionToUpdate: Vector3

      is the position vector to update with the result

    • particle: Particle

      is the particle we are computed the position for

    • isLocal: boolean

      defines if the position should be set in local space

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method