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Interface IEdgesRendererOptions

Defines the additional options of the edges renderer


  • IEdgesRendererOptions



Optional applyTessellationSearch playground for applyTessellation

applyTessellation: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that tessellation should be applied before finding the edges. You may need to activate this option if your geometry is a bit unusual, like having a vertex of a triangle in-between two vertices of an edge of another triangle. It happens often when using CSG to construct meshes. This option is used only if useAlternateEdgeFinder = true

Optional epsilonVertexAlignedSearch playground for epsilonVertexAligned

epsilonVertexAligned: number

The limit under which 3 vertices are considered to be aligned. 3 vertices PQR are considered aligned if distance(PQ) + distance(QR) - distance(PR) < epsilonVertexAligned The default value is 1e-6 This option is used only if useAlternateEdgeFinder = true

Optional epsilonVertexMergeSearch playground for epsilonVertexMerge

epsilonVertexMerge: number

During edges processing, the vertices are merged if they are close enough: epsilonVertexMerge is the limit within which vertices are considered to be equal. The default value is 1e-6 This option is used only if useAlternateEdgeFinder = true

Optional useAlternateEdgeFinderSearch playground for useAlternateEdgeFinder

useAlternateEdgeFinder: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the alternate edge finder algorithm must be used If not defined, the default value is true

Optional useFastVertexMergerSearch playground for useFastVertexMerger

useFastVertexMerger: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the vertex merger fast processing must be used. If not defined, the default value is true. You should normally leave it undefined (or set it to true), except if you see some artifacts in the edges rendering (can happen with complex geometries) This option is used only if useAlternateEdgeFinder = true


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method