Device Source Manager
The DeviceSourceManager is a class that will manage the connections for various user input devices and provide methods of querying those devices for their current state.
This class supports several methods of input:
- Keyboard (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Keyboard, Inputs: number)
- Mouse (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Mouse, Inputs: BABYLON.PointerInput)
- Touch (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Pointer, Inputs: BABYLON.PointerInput)
- DualShock Gamepad (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.DualShock, Inputs: BABYLON.DualShockInput)
- Xbox Gamepad, One or 360 (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Xbox, Inputs: BABYLON.XboxInput)
- Switch Gamepad, L+R JoyCon Grip or Pro Controller (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Switch, Inputs: BABYLON.SwitchInput)
- Generic/Other Gamepad (DeviceType: BABYLON.DeviceType.Generic, Inputs: number)
Here's an example of the DeviceSourceManager in use
DeviceSourceManager ExampleTo use the DeviceSourceManager, first create an instance of it. You will need to provide an engine object.
var deviceSourceManager = new BABYLON.DeviceSourceManager(scene.getEngine());
Within your scene's render/game loop, you can query the DeviceSourceManager for the current state of a specific input. First, you will need to get the DeviceSource object. With this object, you can then query for a specific input's status.
// If the device has been registered in the DeviceSourceManagerif (deviceSourceManager.getDeviceSource(BABYLON.DeviceType.Xbox)) {// And the A button was pressedif (deviceSourceManager.getDeviceSource(BABYLON.DeviceType.Xbox).getInput(BABYLON.XboxInput.A) == 1) {// Do something}}
It should also be noted that you can use optional chaining to make checks fit into a single line
if (deviceSourceManager.getDeviceSource(BABYLON.DeviceType.Xbox)?.getInput(BABYLON.XboxInput.A) == 1) {// Do something}
Events and Observables
You can use the following Observables to work with identifiers for a given device
// When a device is registered in the DeviceSourceManageronDeviceConnectedObservable.add((device) => {// You can get the device type by using device.deviceType// You can also get the device slot by using device.deviceSlot (default is 0 for keyboard and 1 for mouse)// "device" is of Type DeviceSource do you can also access the getInput function or add an observable for onInputChangedObservable});// When a device is unregistered in the DeviceSourceManageronDeviceDisconnectedObservable.add((device) => {// You can get the device type by using device.deviceType// You can also get the device slot by using device.deviceSlot (default is 0 for keyboard and 1 for mouse)// "device" is of Type DeviceSource});
For Keyboards and Pointers, you can use an event based system to get the current input and previous input when an input is activated
deviceSourceManager.getDeviceSource(BABYLON.DeviceType.Keyboard).onInputChangedObservable.add((device) => {// device.inputIndex is the activated input// device.currentState is the current value// device.previousState is the previous value (before activation)});