

In the 3D virtual world shapes are built from meshes, lots of triangular facets joined together, each facet made from three vertices.

Babylon.js provides for the creation of predefined meshes, of your own custom meshes and for importing meshes created by 3D design software. For all meshes the underlying data structure is exposed and can be updated.

Coming next

Merging Meshes
Learn how to merge meshes in Babylon.js.
Merging Meshes
Creating Meshes
Learn about the different processes of creating meshes in Babylon.js.
Creating Meshes
Mesh Transformations
Learn all about mesh transformations in Babylon.js.
Mesh Transformations
Copies, Clones, and Instancing
Learn all about copies, clones, and instances in Babylon.js.
Copies, Clones, and Instancing
Learn how interactions work in Babylon.js.
Drawing Bounding Boxes
Learn how to draw bounding boxes in Babylon.js.
Drawing Bounding Boxes
Learn how use decals in Babylon.js.
Highlighting Meshes
Learn how to highlight meshes in Babylon.js.
Highlighting Meshes
Making Meshes Glow
Learn all about the glow layer in Babylon.js.
Making Meshes Glow
Drawing Curves
Learn how to draw curves in Babylon.js.
Drawing Curves
Learn how to use Path3D in Babylon.js.
Facet Data
Learn all about facet data in Babylon.js.
Facet Data
Levels of Detail (LOD)
Learn the integrated LOD system in Babylon.js.
Levels of Detail (LOD)
Dynamically Morph A Mesh
Learn how to dynamically morph a mesh in Babylon.js.
Dynamically Morph A Mesh
Morph Targets
Learn all about morph targets in Babylon.js.
Morph Targets
Bones and Skeletons
Learn all about bones and skeletons in Babylon.js.
Bones and Skeletons
Rendering Utility Layers
Learn how to render utility layers in Babylon.js.
Rendering Utility Layers
Learn about gizmos in Babylon.js.
Simplifying Meshes With Auto-LOD
Learn how to use the Auto-LOD system in Babylon.js.
Simplifying Meshes With Auto-LOD
Rendering Edges
Learn all about the edge renderer in Babylon.js.
Rendering Edges
Trail Mesh
Learn how to draw a trail mesh in Babylon.js.
Trail Mesh
Exploding Meshes
Learn how to explode meshes in Babylon.js.
Exploding Meshes