Creating Projects

Download the Babylon Editor Toolkit and use Import Package to install into current project. Once installed, unity will detect the plugin, compile it and add the toolkit Export Inspector window to your project.

Create New Project

Create a new unity game project then add the Babylon Editor Toolkit to your project. You can download and import the toolkit unity package distribution file.

Set Compiler Options

Configure optional Runtime Script Compiler locations. You can download and install or update the current Node Runtime to the default location. Then use node package manager to install or update the latest TypeScript Compiler to the default location.

Install TypeScript Command

Mac OSX: sudo npm install -g typescript
Windows: npm install -g typescript

Default TypeScript Location

Mac OSX: /usr/local/bin/tsc
Windows: C:\Users\<YourName>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\typescript\bin\tsc

Default Node Runtime Location

Mac OSX: /usr/local/bin/node
Windows: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe

Save Export Settings

On the Scene Exporter panel, press the Save Export Settings button to save the project export settings to disk. Export settings will also detect changes and save on each build.

Scene Configuration

  • File > New Scene - To create a new empty scene. Unity will create a main camera and a directional light by default.

  • File > Save Scene As - To name and save your current scene to a folder in your project assets. The toolkit will use this scene name for exporting content.

Set Project Settings

  • Edit > Project Settings > Player - To set the default color space setting to Linear. Unity will set color space to Gamma by default.

  • Lighting > Global Illumination - To disable Realtime Global Illumination and set the Baked Global Illumination to the desired lighting mode.

Add Scene Content

  • Global Startup Scripts - If defined, the global startup script is the main entry point for every scene. You can use the global startup script to attach the SceneManager.ExecuteWhenReady handler that will get called first for each and every scene.

  • Default Scene Controllers - Any scene options for your project can be set using any script components you see fit. You can optionally add an empty game object and attach a default scene controller script component to easily setup built in options for your scene.

  • Cameras, Lights And Meshes - Add any supported camera, light and mesh content to your scene. You can attach script components, assign materials, create particle systems, setup animations, optimize geometry and utilize any unity editor tools to manage scene content.

Build And Preview

To build and preview the current scene, press the Play button or the Build And Preview button on the Scene Exporter panel. Select the Export Scene File to simply export the current scene content without a full build and preview. This is very useful for creating Import Mesh only scenes. All project output will be saved to the Export folder of your unity game project folder.

How To Get Started

Check out the Getting Started Video to get started with Babylon Toolkit style game development.
