Interface ISkin
- ISkin
Optional extensionsSearch playground for extensions
Dictionary object with extension-specific objects
Type declaration
[key: string]: any
Optional extrasSearch playground for extras
Application-Specific data
Optional inverse Bind MatricesSearch playground for inverseBindMatrices
The index of the accessor containing the floating-point 4x4 inverse-bind matrices. The default is that each matrix is a 4x4 identity matrix, which implies that inverse-bind matrices were pre-applied
jointsSearch playground for joints
Indices of skeleton nodes, used as joints in this skin. The array length must be the same as the count property of the inverseBindMatrices accessor (when defined)
Optional nameSearch playground for name
The user-defined name of this object
Optional skeletonSearch playground for skeleton
The index of the node used as a skeleton root. When undefined, joints transforms resolve to scene root
Joints and matrices defining a skin